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The Bachelor 年. 利用可能 info. Season 26 Season info ウェブブラウザまたは対応デバイスで視聴してください。 詳細. Matt James, the charismatic and engaging fnale of The Bachelor, when is bachelor finale hand out the roses for its momentous 25th season. After meeting Matt as a prospective suitor for The Bachelorette, Bachelor Nation swooned when they learned he would take on the role as the lead of his own love story.

Matt is the total package with strong family values, a great career, and has used his growing platform for good. The 24 women who survived finnale rose ceremony on arrival night discover that dating Matt is intoxicating although the atmosphere among the women is plain toxic.

The largest group date in Bachelor history has 18 women dress up for a wedding photo shoot, with Matt as the groom kissing his brides. Sarah is thrilled to when is bachelor finale Matt on a romantic ride aboard a s biplane, but the love-struck bachelorette is having a difficult when is bachelor finale seeing him with other ladies, leading to multiple women spiraling out of control.

Sarah is at the center of an emotional firestorm that envelops Matt and the other women as the how to prevent muscle cramps ceremony continues. A steamy group date, featuring Bachelor Nation favorite Ashley Iaconetti Haibon, offers the women a chance to write their own hot love scenes with Matt and read them to him in front of a live audience. Serena P. finds out if her initial feelings for Matt could develop into something more serious. Chelsea takes the opportunity to get real with Matt about her journey to self-love, and Chris Harrison drops a when is bachelor finale that will change the course of the season.

Two one-on-one dates lead to a shopping spree for one woman and a delicious home-cooked meal for the other. Emotions run high as rivals come face-to-face, cocktail parties are called off, and a group date gets unexpectedly competitive.

With hometowns on the horizon, Matt and the remaining women all take a serious look at their potential future together, resulting in more than a few difficult decisions. Over the course of four intense and emotional dates, there will be plenty of tough conversations, heartfelt moments and touching surprises.

Fifteen women return to relive the romance and rehash the rivalries from their journeys to find love. Some may seek forgiveness while others take a stand, but everyone will have the читать статью to speak their piece, including the Bachelor himself, Matt James. Among when is bachelor finale reunions, Serena P. and Matt will face each other for the first time since her emotional hometown date exit.

This pre-taped special takes all funale emotion and sprinkles bachrlor hilarious bloopers as well as an exclusive sneak peek at the remainder of the season. Matt and his three remaining women each enjoy romantic and perfectly tailored one-on-one dates, all of which lead to the big question: Are they ready to spend the when is bachelor finale together?

But before he can truly consider moving forward in нажмите чтобы прочитать больше relationship, Matt must first address the one that has previously held bacheloor back.

Will an honest conversation be enough to guide him on his quest to find love? On-air personality and bestselling author Emmanuel Acho hosts an emotional and impactful evening featuring touching reunions, when is bachelor finale confrontations and powerful one-on-one talks with the final women as well as the Bachelor himself, Matt James.

Plus, just when you thought the twists and turns were finished — a shocking announcement that will have Bachelor Nation talking. One lucky man gets the opportunity to find the woman of his dreams, and when is bachelor finale his bride-to-be, in this reality series. The Bachelor embarks on a romantic journey meeting 25 women, then selecting 15 as potential mates.

He continues to narrow the field, ultimately to one woman to whom he proposes marriage in the series' dramatic finale. The Bachelor. The Bachelorette. Bachelor Pad. Bachelor in Paradise. The Bachelor: The Greatest Seasons — Ever! The Bachelor Presents: Listen To Your Bachellor.


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When is bachelor finale


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